2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

The Company gives the importance and pays respect to rights of shareholders by implementing a policy to treat all shareholders on an equitable basis. The Company protects not only the basic rights of every shareholder but also gives equal treatment toward shareholders during meetings and protect inside trading.
  1. Shareholders' meetings
    To show the transparency of management and operations and be fair to all shareholders, shareholders are entitled to express their opinions or make inquiries to executives and also participate in decision making. Therefore, important issues must be submitted to the shareholders meeting for consent or approval such as operating results, last year’s profit appropriation, election of Directors, the appointment of auditors, etc. Aiming to give all shareholders equal rights, the Company gives shareholders advance notice of agenda items to be raised in the meetings.

    Besides the invitation notice and list of documents submitted to shareholder, the Company also provides proxy forms to shareholders unable to attend the meeting. The proxy form is prepared such that shareholders can dominate the direction of the vote and assign proxies to attend the meeting to vote on their behalf. For the meeting in 2017, the Company offered additional alternatives to shareholders by proposing a list of Independent Directors for shareholders to choose as proxies to attend the meeting.

    In the meeting, the Company Secretary informs all shareholders attending, the list of criteria for casting votes before starting with the meeting. Shareholders have the right to vote for or against or abstain, as they deem appropriate. On the election of Directors, it is specified that shareholders can vote in favor, vote against, or abstain each Director. During the meeting, the chairman of the meeting shall give the opportunity to all attending shareholders on equal basis to fully examine the Company’s operations, make inquiries, express opinions/comments and give recommendations. In this respect, the directors and the related executive officers shall reply to the shareholders’ queries while accepting the shareholders’ opinions and suggestions for further consideration and action as deemed necessary.

    With the shareholders’ meeting decision, the Company Secretary shall inform all shareholders of each meeting agenda item, how many votes were cast by the shareholders in favor, how many against, and how many abstentions. All resolutions shall be decided by the majority vote. The resolutions, with the number of votes cast on each agenda item, are recorded and the minutes of the meeting are recorded accurately and completely. Copies of minutes of the meeting are then delivered to the related agencies concerned within a specified time and are disseminated on the Company’s website: www.grandcanalland.com, for the shareholders and the general public to examine.

    The Company has a commitment to seek and support shareholders’ rights to attend meetings and check the equitable treatment of shareholders.
  2. Measures to curb inside trading

    To prevent Directors and executives from trading inside or gaining advantages for themselves or others, the Company has implemented section 59 of the Royal Decree on Securities and Exchange, B.E. 2535. Directors and executives have to report their transactions in a timely manner in the Board of Directors’ meeting.

    In addition, the Company prohibits the executives or employees to neither disclose internal information to the public nor trade the Company’s security a month before being made public. Directors and executives will strictly carry out the policy.